Income Tax Exemption
Many people with physical disabilities or disabilities are eligible for an income tax exemption. Obtaining the exemption involves proving the severity of the medical condition – which requires expertise, knowledge and experience. The exemption is granted to anyone who proves to have a disability of 90% or more, for a period of six months or more.
The tax exemption may be requested for the current tax year as well as for 6 prior tax years from the date of filing the application.
If you are seeking an income tax-exempt lawyer, our firm accompanies its clients from the initial feasibility study stage to the receipt of the long-awaited exemption and a refund for the previously paid tax.
Major medical problems that help to prove a high disability are diabetes with complications, cancer, sleep apnea and kidney disease, but there are a variety of other medical problems that can be proven to receive the exemption.
In order to obtain full rights it is important to be represented by an IRS-exempt lawyer with knowledge and experience in the field.