Claims for body damage
The range of tort/liability claims is varied, and includes various grounds of claim based on laws and rulings.
Many injuries occur during or on the way to or from work, in public or private spaces, and cause lifelong disability. Casualties in accidents often suffer wage losses, medical expenses, need for help from others and nursing, etc. The purpose of the tort claim is to compensate the injured person for all his damages and losses, and to allow him to rehabilitate himself and exist at the same level, at least, as he lived before the accident.
Tort law is the law that governs the relationship between the pest and the injured person in a tort situation, i.e., a situation in which damage is caused to someone by someone else, in most cases the person who develops in the legal process is the injured person, since he is the person who suffers as a result of the event.
It is important to understand that in most cases, the injured person approaches a lawyer with the question after they have already suffered damage, but not always, the damage itself may occur only at a later stage, such as a medical malpractice situation in which a doctor does not discover at the time of a malignant tumor and only discovers it too late.
The overriding principle above the tort law is " restoring the situation to its normal state," that is, compensating the injured person to the extent of the damage caused to him and not beyond, thus bringing the injured person to the same state as he was before the damage.
In order for the injured person to be able to return the damage to the pest, a number of conditions must be met, but the most important of which is the responsibility, is there a sufficient legal reason to hold the pest responsible for the damage caused? It's not enough to think about it in a simple logical way where I was hurt by what he did. The law must also recognize that such a case is indeed a situation that imposes responsibility on the pest and justifies compensation to the injured person, this recognition of the law is called a "tort", the equivalent of an "offense" in criminal law.
Settlement of Tort Claims
Damages claims usually expire within 7 years of the accident. Sometimes, under special circumstances, the statute of limitations can be extended and the lawsuit filed even after 7 years have passed, but it is advisable not to delay these claims and file them as early as possible. It is recommended, in any case, to seek advice from a lawyer specializing in the tort field, near the event.
Damages claims are complex and complex claims. No person / body wants to pay substantial sums to another, and rare are the cases in which the person responsible for the accident admits his or her guilt.
"A lawyer who specializes in the field of tort law should know not only the legal field, but also the medical field (especially when it comes to the field of medical malpractice), and also has extensive knowledge in other fields such as engineering, safety, commercial and more, since tort events meet people everywhere and in a wide range of different situations, from injury to injury. In the middle of work on a construction site, through a car accident and through medical malpractice."